Air Fresh Spray

1. Spray Bottle Air Fresheners

  • Use as much as you want, for a stronger effect.
  • Instantly effective.
  • Scent-less ozone sprays can remove odors without adding unwanted new scents.
  • Scented spray bottles can add a pleasant new scent.
  • Our choice for unscentedO
  • Our choice for scentedr

A spray bottle air freshener is extremely simple. You spray it where the bad smell is, and now you have a good smell there instead. Right?

Well, sort of.

There are actually two different types of spray bottle that you can use to freshen up your home.

The first type is called an ozone spray. This type does not add pleasant new scents when you spray it. But it is really powerful at destroying odor-causing particles in the air or on surface where you spray it. If you just want to remove bad smells and not add strong new scents, this should be your first choice.

The second type is probably what you’re more familiar with. It’s a scented air freshener spray bottle that often doubles as a cleaning chemical of sorts. These bottles usually advertise that they also destroy odor-causing particles. However, this doesn’t always work as planned.

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